Our Journey Has Begun

Vagabonds, itinerants, wayfarers, drifters or free spirits. You can call us any of these. This is not travels with Charlie by any stretch of the imagination. This is an old man and an old dog and an old truck with no other home. The old man gets a social Security check each month direct deposited so there's enough money for food and occasional gas. So the wandering will be random and perhaps seldom once we get to the particular area we're interested in. That would be the southwest corner of Colorado, one of the most beautiful places in the world, at least my world which isn't that small. I've never seen England I've never seen France but I've seen my share of underpants. I actually have been in almost every state of the contiguous United States. So I know a little bit about beautiful places. Today we find ourselves at Valley of the Fires National Monument near Carrizozo New Mexico. It's a little warmer here then it is up in Colorado so we're going t...