Almost Happy birthday for me
I guess my last blog update was when we were at El Morro several weeks ago. Since then we've been to Cottonwood Canyon State Park for one night on our way from El Morro up to visit some people on Mount Blanca with a stop in Albuquerque for dog food and a stop in Santa Fe for people food. We only stayed on Mt Blanca two days because it was windy and there was nothing but cactus and rocks around and Duchess didn't like that. But we did get to sleep in a real bad inside of a travel trailer for those two nights. After that in order to avoid wolf Creek pass which I've been over way too many times we went south to Antonita, Colorado and then down into, Chama, New Mexico and around and backup ending up in Pagosa Springs. We had found a dispersed camping area on up along Jackson Mountain Road just east of Pagosa Springs. We found an absolutely perfect spot off of Jackson Mountain Road on forest service road something or another where we stayed for ten days. Un...